Blindfold Cubing
I solved a Rubik's Cube blindfolded for the first time on December 8, 2002, at age 11, with a time of 19 minutes and 31 seconds using the 4-step 3-cycle method (3OP) from stiff_hands's site . I set multiple world reconds in 2004-05 and placed second at World Championships '03, '07. Anyone with an average memory can learn to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. I learned 3OP in two nights and when my speedcubing average was over 30 seconds. All you need is a bit of dedication.
Which Method Should I Learn?
If you just want a successful solve with as little effort as possible, learn the original Pochmann method . If you want to get fast, start with 3OP corners and M2 edges (guides provided below). Then replace corners with freestyle/(pseudo-)BH, and finally replace edges with freestyle/(pseudo-)BH.
- 3OP (3-Cycle Orientation Permutation Method) Guide
- Now also available in PDF . Also called the 4-step 3-cycle method, this was the method of choice for top blindfold cubers until 2006. Although M2 has begun to replace 3OP edges, 3OP corners is still widly used by top cubers. Read this guide to learn the central concept of cycle-based blindfold solving methods, which can be used to solve a number of other twisty puzzles.
- M2 Guide
- Invented by Stefan Pochmann, M2 is a much more efficient method for the edges. This page describes the version I devised, which almost entirely circumvents the nasty M-layer algorithms and keeps thinking to a minimum. For example, no exchange of UF/FU with DB/BD is necessary in the second sticker in a pair, and it is possible to directly go from the letter pairs to moves without first converting the letters to sticker positions, even if the pair involves an M-layer sticker.
- Miscellaneous Techniques
- This page lists some advanced techniques for cycle-based methods in general and for 3OP and M2. Especially of note is the 2-step corner orientation approach.
- Other
- This is where I dump anything that doesn't fit into the other pages. Look for rough sketches of blindfold solving approaches to other twisty puzzles.
External Links
Since 2003, many new and interesting ideas have appeared for blindfold cubing.
- Pochmann Method (Original)
- Invented in 2003, the Pochmann Method was the first method to combine orientation and permutation. Although a cycle method like 3OP, it relies on 2-cycles and can handle everything including the permutation parity using the idea of "a buffer cubie." Joël van Noort's guide is the standard for this method.
- M2/R2
- Invented by Stefan Pochmann in 2006, this uses a very elegant idea and is a vast improvement over his original method. Knowing the original method will help you understand M2/R2. See M2 improvements by Stefan and others . M2 can be used together with with 3OP corners: Kai Jiptner's explanation (He now uses xM'U2M'U2x' for the odd parity algorithm).
- Freestyle
- Freestyle is a general term for any 3-cycle method that combines orientation and permutation. Originally presented by Chris Hardwick as a commutator-based method, it has now become the method of choice among many of the world's fastest blindfold cubers. M2/R2 and TuRBo can be considered restricted freestyle methods.